The weather cooperated and did not get in the way of making this year’s walk-a-thon a wonderfully fun, memorable event. Thank you all for getting “Footloose” with us!  It was wonderful to see so many kids walking, so many people volunteering , so many of the Sunny Hills staff participating, and so many families there in support of the school! 

Your generosity will go a long way towards making it possible for the Sunny Hills PTA to continue to offer core programs for reading, math, science and art as well as provide grants for our staff. Thank you! Your generous donations have brought in $36,000.

My appreciation goes out to the Walk-a-Thon Committee chairs: Annie Zegers for setting up for the day, Karen Goo and Heather Duenez for heading up our pledges and permission envelopes, Eryn Howey for managing our raffle prizes, Shawna Borichewski for coordinating all of our volunteers, Amy Linzbach and Johanna Range for coordinating concessions, Laurie Saxe for overseeing the fun of Spirit Week, and Kym Clayton who has spent many months getting our webpage up and running as well getting the word out to the community. Many thanks to Darawan Morrison, Fundraising Director, for her continuous support and guidance, and to our treasurer Pailin Huang, who always ends up with a whole lot of work because of this event.

We cannot forget the fantastic support from our staff. Mr. Clausen, as always, was instrumental in setting the tone of the day. Ms. Duncan graciously kicked off the afternoon.  Mrs. White, teachers, front office staff, EAs, kitchen staff, and custodial staff all supported us with their time and tolerance for disruptions to their day. 

Thank you to all of the volunteers who shared their time to make the day run smoothly from beginning to end. Thank you all!

With much appreciation, your Walk-a-Thon Chair, Kris Broenneke