Why Does The PTA Conduct Fundraising Activities?

Our PTA is an independent non-profit organization with a mission to enhance and support the educational programs and environment at Sunny Hills. Only a small portion of the PTA's income comes from PTA membership dues paid each year.  To provide the support to our school and children, to make certain programs possible, and to bridge the gap between public funds and actual expenses, WE NEED TO RAISE MONEY. In order to raise funds, the PTA conducts a variety of fundraisers to fit everyone's preference.  


Where Does My Donation Money Go?

Sunny Hills PTA uses the gifts that are given to fund programs, equipment, classroom support, and services each year that benefit our students. Programs like the Science Fair, professional art instruction, science enrichment and literacy support would not exist without PTA fundraising.   


How Can I Make a Donation?

Making a donation is easier than ever!  

Work for an employer who provides matching charitable donations?  Please let our treasurer know to ensure that Sunny Hills PTA benefits from your corporate matching program.  Sunny Hills PTA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. 


What Fundraisers Can I Expect This Year?

Each year Sunny Hills PTA provides Active and Passive Fundraisers, in addition to accepting general donations. Our main fundraiser takes place in October with the Orange Ruler Fall Fun Run.  For more information about this and other fundraising opportunities, click on the Active Fundraiser or Passive Fundraiser links.